Welcome to the Homepage of Jan Lorenz


As an independent instructor, dive guide and videographer with more than 19 years of diving experience I have worked with in the past 6 years with various dive centers, these are almost all directly at Sabang Beach. Sabang, about 6 km from Puerto Galera is a small, lively town on the north coast of the island of Mindoro in the Philippines.

For 3 years, I am the manager
of Dolphinbay divers in Palangan.
Palangan located between
Sabang and Puerto Galera.

Colemanl shrimp

I personally accompany your dives in order to shoot your individual underwater video - an unforgettable souvenir of Puerto Galera. Furthermore, I offer various videos
on the diverse marine life of this region,
especially in the macro field.


My new video
a dive in
Maestre de Campo
Mactan Ferry